But actually I like being unique. I do not like to wear off-the-rack clothes. I always want to be at the forefront. That was why all the usual design themes do not really interest me.
Prior to the purchase of my unit, I have been reading lotsa books on interior decorating. One major local bookstore was shutting and design books were selling dirt cheap (Sorry that your have to shut the doors, Page One. Singaporeans will miss you for your design collection). Based on the info sourced from books and the web, I have seen plenty of interior design styles, each influenced by culture, history, technology, pop and etc (sorry this gets more boring as it goes.)
Below is a list known to me and my personal views on the style:
(WARNING: beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Please do not take offence if my views differ from yours. All views herein are definitely of my own and I may be VERY VERY wrong)
(Disclaimer: all photos are found on the web via google image search for this non-profit blog. If your photo is copyrighted or you do not want them on this blog, please let me know and I will remove them. I meant no utter disrespect for your works of Arts.)
1.Country style Design
Country style interior design is cozy and warm and it's simple and cozy. Country style can be branched out to culturally different country style designs pertinent to various countries, i.e. french country, English country, American country, Italian country or Tuscan, and Modern country.
I didn't really consider this style for simple reason. I am a Singaporean. Why should I do something that is culturally different and something that I can't relate to?
Some examples:
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2. Retro Style
It is the style of ’50s, ’60s or ’70s. Imagine Austin Powers' shagedelic pad. Bold. But this design is very popular in Singapore as Singaporeans are crazy with everything retro. Somehow, this can also be considered vintage in my eyes. It just makes me feel everyone is jumping onto the bandwagon. In Singapore context, retro is sometimes fused with vintage furniture as seen in the fifth and sixth photos hereunder:-
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(Credit: Journey East) |
This style does not suit me for several reasons, mainly cos it's expensive (furniture is not easy to get) and my boring personality does not fit into the adventurous and daring style it portrays.
3. Oriental (Chinese) Style
Just see the following photos. 'Nuff Said.
4. Oriental (Japanese) / Zen Style
Zen interior design conveys tranquil and peaceful moods, a connection with nature, and distinct minimalist elegance.
I love it for the serenity it seems to bring. I also love Jap Culture! But nope I personally do not really think it suits me.
5. Modern and Contemporary
Okay this has me stumped. But I do recognise lotsa designs out there fall under here. Perhaps this explanation at here and here will help.
As explained simply, "In the realm of interior decorating and design, modern refers to a style of architecture and furniture that emerged in the mid-century, reaching a peak the in 1950s. In this regard, modern is a static term."
"The basic definition of contemporary is “of the moment.” Contemporary art, design, and interiors are “of the day.” They exist in the here-and-now. And, taking this further, they could only exist in the here-and-now because ten years ago some of the materials and pieces wouldn’t have been available. And in ten years from now, there will be new pieces that do not exist today. Yesterday’s contemporary is today’s vintage. And tomorrow’s contemporary is still unknown."
Erm okay I think I understand it better now.
So perhaps these are contemporary designs fused with modern(?)
So is this for me? hmmmm guess not.
6. Balinese Resort Theme
Wanna live ur daily life in a resort? This is the closest you can get. But two words. BEAUTIFUL. EXPENSIVE. Unless I strike TOTO (a lottery), there's no way I could afford this (though it remains one of my fave design theme)
7. Baroque Style
Basically a french-classic inspired design. Think of the movie Moulin Rouge and you get the idea. And yup. Not for me either.
So what did I decide on? The clue is none of the above. Stay tune to see what I want!